"When my father asked me to leave my teaching at National Bethel Academy and come home to my village, I was torn between honoring him and following my heart to continue teaching and marry Buddhi. I’m thankful that I didn’t lose my chance to be part of this new teaching."
From prison to medical school. It seems pretty unlikely, especially when you don’t have the courses you need and you are rejected in your first try. But God gave Nakul a persistent sense that he should be a physician. And he's half-way there.
"If I had not come to the Prison Fellowship home, and then to Foresight, my life would be a donkey life, married in a village, having children, working in the fields, oppressed by my husband, my father in law, and my mother in law." Now, having finished her masters degree on child development, Pramila is managing a half-way house for abused girls.
"Although I was in grade 7 in my village school, when I came to an English boarding school in Kathmandu, they did not find me deserving of grade 3. My house mother requested them and they admitted me to grade 3 which I failed the first two terms. But the third term exams placed me 4th in my class." Ashish is now a software engineer.